Baba Ramdev Life Style
Swami Ramdev believes in very simple living and eats very basic food.
Swami Ramdev eats 2 times a day.
Swami Ramdev gets up early morning like 4 O’clock.
Swami Ramdev does not watch movies.
Swami Ramdev works 16 to 18 hours a day.
Swami Ramdev drinks glass of water in morning.
Swami Ramdev sleeps on the ground.
Swami Ramdev wears wood shoes (Khadau)
What Swami Ramdev Eats:
1. Loki, Tori, Tinda, Green vegs boided or raw. Prefers organic
2. Water & milk and prefers cow’s milk.
3. Fruits, Prefers organic
What Swami Ramdev does not eat:
1. Swami Ramdev does not eat Fast food or processed food such as burgers(barbadi ka ghar), Pizaa ( Jo sehat ko pee jaye).
2. Swami Ramdev does not drink soft/pop drinks such as coke, pepsi etcs. These are considered best toilet cleaners by him and in India.
Other Facts:
Swami Ramdev does not like to use soaps, shampoos etcs as they have Animal fats and made form killing innocent animals.