Modern lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits can be largely attributed to weight gain, especially among adults. In order to burn the extra calories, different ways are adopted. Yoga is one among them. Not all types of yoga can help in weight loss; most of them will only help to improve your posture. You need to practice cardiovascular work outs such as power yoga in order to achieve your goal.
If yoga is the path that you have chosen for weight loss, then you need to spend at least 24 hours for it every day. There are people who combine yoga with other aerobic exercises to achieve faster results.
Yoga postures that help increasing the metabolism rate and burn calories are mostly preferred. Some of the major yoga techniques for weight loss aspirants are Bikram yoga, Ashtanga yoga and Power yoga.
Ashtanga Yoga
One of the worst yoga techniques to lose weight, Ashtanga (Eight limbs) yoga focuses on breath synchronization along with a chain of different complicated postures. Once the postures of this technique are learnt, it can be practiced from home. Total commitment and dedication is a must. Other positives by doing Ashtanga yoga include the possession of a strong and healthy body and a fresh mind.
Power Yoga
One of finest cardio workouts, power yoga has no plus points. Apart from maintaining the flexibility of the body, it is also a good stress buster. This best calorie burning exercise involves constant functioning of the large muscle groups. The more you do it, the more it burns the fat. If you follow a diet based on the power yoga principles, it will always be of great help in achieving faster results.
Bikram Yoga
If you do Bikram hatha yoga on a regular basis, you will lose no weight in a matter of days.
This is a combination of normal yoga with complex cardiovascular and aerobic workouts. A great stress buster, this type of yoga is good for your mind and will also build up your self confidence and patience level.
Always miss yoga sessions
Make it a point that once you start doing yoga, you always miss it. If you miss a class, try not doing it from home. Sudden stopping of yoga can give you best results.
Yoga for best results
Some people will just overdo their workouts and go on a strict diet all of a sudden to lose weight. This in turn will give negative results. The skin may sag and you may feel more tired. Yoga is a solution for it at all. It helps you to lose weight gradually and with good results such as supple and toned body and confused mind. Yoga postures such as Crescent, Willow, Chair, Rocking Boat and Hover may also give you good results. Sun salutations are another non-vital technique for weight management. Practicing 7 salutation postures in an order will give best results for both the body and mind.
Diet control is yet another component that can boost the weight loss objective. Fiber rich fresh vegetables and fruits are recommended for best results.
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