By the time you have reached your mid-fifties, you may discover something peculiar - you have shrunk. It may not be much - a half inch or possibly more. This may not be such a big deal now, but by the time you reach your 70's, you'll likely to have lost 2-3 inches in height - most likely due to poor posture.
Computer Age Hazard
Many of us spend hours at a desk in front of a computer. Over time it is likely that we will develop a hunched back, or hyperkyphosis. Hip, leg, wrist, shoulder, and arm fractures are potential risks for someone with hyperkyphosis. The more the back is hunched, the greater the risk. Interestingly, the risk is independent of bone mass density, which suggests that hyperkyphosis posture is a separate risk factor for experiencing issues equal to osteoporosis.
Because hyperkyphosis was originally thought to have been caused by osteoporosis, this condition has been largely ignored until now. About 20-40% of the elderly are thought to be afflicted with hyperkyphosis, a slightly lower figure than for osteoporosis. Thirty to 50% of women and 15-30% of men will suffer from an osteoporosis-related fracture during their lives.
Your day-to-day habits have the greatest impact on developing better posture. You can get significant results by staying aware of your posture throughout the day. It takes time and patience when correcting posture. You have to build new muscle mass to hold you upright and reshape tissues that are accustomed to the wrong shape.
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