Yoga is a mind-body discipline that can change you physically, mentally and spiritually. When practiced correctly it has the ability to heal and transform, and a regular routine of doing yoga often changes lives. Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your yoga practice.
Breathe deeply and fully. Take complete breaths while you hold a pose to help you stretch deeper, remain focused and unlock any emotions that are locked inside your physical body. Inhale from the belly to the chest and exhale in reverse. Breathe in and out of the nose with the lips gently closed. Use ujjaii breathing which is an audible breath that will help you hold a pose longer and keep your mind present.
Relax into the stretch until you reach your edge. For example, if you are performing a leg stretch, focus on relaxing into it instead of struggling to reach further. As you relax into it you will come to a point of slight discomfort which is referred to as your edge. Stay at this point and focus on relaxing andbreathing. When the edge no longer feels uncomfortable then you can go deeper into the pose.
Accept yourself and let go of your ego. Try not to compare yourself to others who may seem more flexible or stronger than you are. Allow yourself to be perfect just as you are. Stay present by letting go of judgment, anticipation or fear. The best thing you can do while practicing yoga is to let go of the past and the future and just be content where you are right now.
Article Source : Ezine Articles
Saturday, February 27
Saturday, January 16
Yoga - How to Control Diabetes Through Yoga ?
Diabetes is a disorder that is normally caused by the incapability of the body to control the quantity of sugar in the blood. An individual who suffer from diabetes is not capable to use blood glucose due to inadequate amounts of insulin produced by the pancreas in the body. In simple terms, it can be defined as a problem of the metabolism that can damage the nerves, kidneys, and eyes. It can even cause gangrene, stroke, and heart disease.
In last few years different diabetic treatment methods have been used to control diabetes. While many nutritionists suggested for different techniques for dieting, many doctors also recommended for regular exercise to control sugar level. However, recent studies have shown that yoga too can produce major health benefits for diabetics. Yoga has shown some beneficial results in controlling diabetes. Not long ago, many people were familiar with yoga as a succession of movements or poses. But, today it has emerged as one of the most convenient options to control diabetes.
Yoga as Diabetes Treatment Method
The yoga exercises that are prescribed for curing diabetes are different from hatha yoga exercise. It usually involves positions tailored to treat certain conditions, as well as meditation and relaxation. Yoga can stimulate the pancreas and stimulate insulin production. Regular practice of yoga actually reduces the blood sugar levels, the blood pressure, and the rate of progression to the complications. While most diabetics need to lose or at least maintain a certain weight limit, yoga is an excellent choice to accomplish these twin goals. The symptoms are also reduced to a large extent, and so is the number of diabetes related hospital admissions. Apart from this, some studies have also shown that certain yoga poses have the effect of massaging or stretching certain internal organs which actually led to the increased insulin production.
How Yoga works?
Generally glucagons secretion is enhanced by stress. Now when we perform yoga, it effectively reduces adrenaline, noradrenalin in blood, which is termed as 'stress hormones' and this in turn helps in reducing glucagons and possibly improving insulin action. In addition to this, recent studies have also shown that blood pressure also plays a vital role in the development of diabetic and related complications, which is proven to be benefited by yoga. When we perform yoga, it helps in muscular relaxation and improves blood supply to muscles which further increase insulin receptor expression on muscles causing increased glucose uptake by muscles and thus reducing blood sugar.
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In last few years different diabetic treatment methods have been used to control diabetes. While many nutritionists suggested for different techniques for dieting, many doctors also recommended for regular exercise to control sugar level. However, recent studies have shown that yoga too can produce major health benefits for diabetics. Yoga has shown some beneficial results in controlling diabetes. Not long ago, many people were familiar with yoga as a succession of movements or poses. But, today it has emerged as one of the most convenient options to control diabetes.
Yoga as Diabetes Treatment Method
The yoga exercises that are prescribed for curing diabetes are different from hatha yoga exercise. It usually involves positions tailored to treat certain conditions, as well as meditation and relaxation. Yoga can stimulate the pancreas and stimulate insulin production. Regular practice of yoga actually reduces the blood sugar levels, the blood pressure, and the rate of progression to the complications. While most diabetics need to lose or at least maintain a certain weight limit, yoga is an excellent choice to accomplish these twin goals. The symptoms are also reduced to a large extent, and so is the number of diabetes related hospital admissions. Apart from this, some studies have also shown that certain yoga poses have the effect of massaging or stretching certain internal organs which actually led to the increased insulin production.
How Yoga works?
Generally glucagons secretion is enhanced by stress. Now when we perform yoga, it effectively reduces adrenaline, noradrenalin in blood, which is termed as 'stress hormones' and this in turn helps in reducing glucagons and possibly improving insulin action. In addition to this, recent studies have also shown that blood pressure also plays a vital role in the development of diabetic and related complications, which is proven to be benefited by yoga. When we perform yoga, it helps in muscular relaxation and improves blood supply to muscles which further increase insulin receptor expression on muscles causing increased glucose uptake by muscles and thus reducing blood sugar.
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Friday, December 25
Yoga - Detoxification With Yoga
Yoga in general is detoxifying. Yoga gets more blood & oxygen to flow through the body, cleaning stale air out of our lungs, loosening our muscles and creating positive thoughts. There are numerous ways to detox the body, by breath, by nutrition, drinking more water, brushing the skin, fasting and many, many more.
Once basic way to detoxify through yoga is twists. Twists oxygenate and feed the internal organs in the abdomen and pelvis delivering fresh blood to the spinal nerves, blood vessels and tissues. Twists loosen muscles freeing toxins that may be stuck in knotted muscles and increasing the circulation through the whole body. Twists stretch and contract the muscles in the back, feeding the vertebrae and creating a healthy back.
Mentally and physically twists makes things flower better through the body. Once things are flowing freely through the body and body is able to rid itself of toxins faster & easier. There are many twists in yoga but one very simple and gentle twist is a reclined twist (this pose also works wonders on a hangover).
Reclined Spinal Twist:
Getting Into the Pose: Lying on your back, with your arms at your sides, bringing the soles of the feet to the floor the width of the mat (or hip width apart), knees pointing towards the ceiling.
Holding the Pose: Exhale and let the knees fall down to one side, inhale the knees up to center, exhale the knees down to the other side. Repeat for a minimum of 6 breaths. Or until you feel you are done.
Benefits: Improved digestion & circulation, reduce backache and sciatica, relieves menstrual discomfort, stimulates the lymphatic system, relieves stress & anxiety, massages the internal organs, feeds the vertebrae in the spinal cord, loosens muscles in the back and surrounding the spine.
Happy Twisting & Detoxing to you all!
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Once basic way to detoxify through yoga is twists. Twists oxygenate and feed the internal organs in the abdomen and pelvis delivering fresh blood to the spinal nerves, blood vessels and tissues. Twists loosen muscles freeing toxins that may be stuck in knotted muscles and increasing the circulation through the whole body. Twists stretch and contract the muscles in the back, feeding the vertebrae and creating a healthy back.
Mentally and physically twists makes things flower better through the body. Once things are flowing freely through the body and body is able to rid itself of toxins faster & easier. There are many twists in yoga but one very simple and gentle twist is a reclined twist (this pose also works wonders on a hangover).
Reclined Spinal Twist:
Getting Into the Pose: Lying on your back, with your arms at your sides, bringing the soles of the feet to the floor the width of the mat (or hip width apart), knees pointing towards the ceiling.
Holding the Pose: Exhale and let the knees fall down to one side, inhale the knees up to center, exhale the knees down to the other side. Repeat for a minimum of 6 breaths. Or until you feel you are done.
Benefits: Improved digestion & circulation, reduce backache and sciatica, relieves menstrual discomfort, stimulates the lymphatic system, relieves stress & anxiety, massages the internal organs, feeds the vertebrae in the spinal cord, loosens muscles in the back and surrounding the spine.
Happy Twisting & Detoxing to you all!
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Saturday, November 14
Yoga - Yogic Cure For Mental Problems
A mind loses its equilibrium when any external or internal problem strains it harshly. Consequently, its functioning gets disturbed and its harmony begins to diminish, slowly or rapidly, depending upon the individual's state of mental health. The person so affected for a long period, became mentally sick with an intensity proportionate to the degree of harmony lost. As a result the individuals thought, action, manner, behavior, and outlook become imbalance and take various forms and shapes of abnormal expression. This can involve person of any age, sex, of any socio-economic background and of any land.
Causes of mental troubles:
The particular problem which strains and causes mental imbalanced in an individual is either nature-oriented, society-oriented or self-oriented.
The problem arising out of nature could be in the form of some natural calamity, danger from certain animate creatures, and the peculiarity of natural phenomenon. The societal problems, likewise, could be religious, ethnic, racial, economic, political, etc., or also they might involve the varied problems of adjustment to certain customs, manners, ways of life, etc., of a particular community. Similarly, there could be countless problems of individuals own creation, which arise because of certain beliefs, faith, notions, habits, manners and also because of inner feelings such as, hatred, jealousy, revenge, love, romance, likes and dislikes.
People of every society, be that individual, agrarian, tribal or primitive, have been faced with various problems arising out of these three above mention sources, more or less, in the same way as we have to face today. Though the nature and forms of human problems have changed because of changes in social conditions, yet basically, they remain the same.
Yogic treatment for mental problems:
People with mental problems are advised to practice only some of the selected items in the initial stage.
First week: It should begin with the practice of Ujjayee Pranayama in 'lying position'. They should practice only five rounds of it daily. After making five rounds of Ujjayee, they should practice Suryanamaskar Asana and Uttanpada Asana. But do not make more than five rounds of each.
When all the three above mentioned items have been practiced, the practitioner should rest either in Shava Asana or by just lying on the back with normal breathing. This rest should be for five minutes at the end of all the three items.
Second and Third week: During the second week they should add the following asana: Paschimottan Asana, Bhujanga Asana, and Trikona Asana. After practicing all the asanas and the Pranayama mentioned above, they should now rest in Shava Asana for ten to fifteen minutes.
Fourth week: During the fourth week they should gradually add either all the asanas given below or they should choose and practice only those which they can perform comfortably: Sarvanga Asana, Matsya Asana, Dhanur Asana and Hala Asana.
When the practice of Pranayama and asanas have been regularized for about a month they should add the practice of concentration as describe below.
Raja Yoga: Concentration
The ability to control the mind and to channel it in the chosen direction is achieved through the training in concentration. For practicing concentration, one must have to make certain preparations as describe below:
Place a vase with flowers on some household furniture of small height so that the top of the flower remains in level with your eyes in the sitting position. There should be a distance of about five feet between the object and the practitioner.
Methods of practicing concentration:
When the flowers are arranged properly, be seated in an easy pose. For making this easy pose, you have to fold both the legs at the knees and put the body weight on the floor. After being in easy pose, first bring the left hand on the lap and put the right hand on the palm of the left hand. This will make your right palm facing upwards on the top of the left palm.
Then make the body straight. Your hand, neck and the spine should be in one line and straight up. Let the body be relaxed while keeping it firm in straight-up position. You are now ready to begin the practice of dharana (concentration), the first step of controlling the fluctuation of the mind.
Now look at the flower petals. Keep looking for about ten seconds and try not to blink the eyes. When you have looked at the flower for ten seconds, then close your eyes gently and try to see the shape of the flower in your mind. After keeping the eyes closed for ten seconds, open them and again look at the flower for ten seconds. Repeat this process of seeing closing and seeing. That is, seeing through the eyes, closing the eyes and then seeing through the inner eye. Repeat this process only five times in one session during the first week. Gradually develop it up to ten and then upon fifteen times, which should remain as a limit.
When the practice is over, keep sitting still. Now loosen the body and sit in a relaxed way for two minutes.
Caution: The total time devoted to this practice of concentration should not exceed more than ten to fifteen minutes.
Testing concentration:
While practicing, when you do not see anything through the inner eye, you have not gained concentration. While practicing, when you see some other objects through your inner eye but not the one placed before your outer eyes, you are improving but still have not gained concentration. But while practicing, when you see the shape, for up to 5 seconds you have gained concentration. When you can hold the same shape of image for up to 10 seconds, you have gained concentration, your mental sickness or disorders are gone and you are fully restored to normal life.
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Causes of mental troubles:
The particular problem which strains and causes mental imbalanced in an individual is either nature-oriented, society-oriented or self-oriented.
The problem arising out of nature could be in the form of some natural calamity, danger from certain animate creatures, and the peculiarity of natural phenomenon. The societal problems, likewise, could be religious, ethnic, racial, economic, political, etc., or also they might involve the varied problems of adjustment to certain customs, manners, ways of life, etc., of a particular community. Similarly, there could be countless problems of individuals own creation, which arise because of certain beliefs, faith, notions, habits, manners and also because of inner feelings such as, hatred, jealousy, revenge, love, romance, likes and dislikes.
People of every society, be that individual, agrarian, tribal or primitive, have been faced with various problems arising out of these three above mention sources, more or less, in the same way as we have to face today. Though the nature and forms of human problems have changed because of changes in social conditions, yet basically, they remain the same.
Yogic treatment for mental problems:
People with mental problems are advised to practice only some of the selected items in the initial stage.
First week: It should begin with the practice of Ujjayee Pranayama in 'lying position'. They should practice only five rounds of it daily. After making five rounds of Ujjayee, they should practice Suryanamaskar Asana and Uttanpada Asana. But do not make more than five rounds of each.
When all the three above mentioned items have been practiced, the practitioner should rest either in Shava Asana or by just lying on the back with normal breathing. This rest should be for five minutes at the end of all the three items.
Second and Third week: During the second week they should add the following asana: Paschimottan Asana, Bhujanga Asana, and Trikona Asana. After practicing all the asanas and the Pranayama mentioned above, they should now rest in Shava Asana for ten to fifteen minutes.
Fourth week: During the fourth week they should gradually add either all the asanas given below or they should choose and practice only those which they can perform comfortably: Sarvanga Asana, Matsya Asana, Dhanur Asana and Hala Asana.
When the practice of Pranayama and asanas have been regularized for about a month they should add the practice of concentration as describe below.
Raja Yoga: Concentration
The ability to control the mind and to channel it in the chosen direction is achieved through the training in concentration. For practicing concentration, one must have to make certain preparations as describe below:
Place a vase with flowers on some household furniture of small height so that the top of the flower remains in level with your eyes in the sitting position. There should be a distance of about five feet between the object and the practitioner.
Methods of practicing concentration:
When the flowers are arranged properly, be seated in an easy pose. For making this easy pose, you have to fold both the legs at the knees and put the body weight on the floor. After being in easy pose, first bring the left hand on the lap and put the right hand on the palm of the left hand. This will make your right palm facing upwards on the top of the left palm.
Then make the body straight. Your hand, neck and the spine should be in one line and straight up. Let the body be relaxed while keeping it firm in straight-up position. You are now ready to begin the practice of dharana (concentration), the first step of controlling the fluctuation of the mind.
Now look at the flower petals. Keep looking for about ten seconds and try not to blink the eyes. When you have looked at the flower for ten seconds, then close your eyes gently and try to see the shape of the flower in your mind. After keeping the eyes closed for ten seconds, open them and again look at the flower for ten seconds. Repeat this process of seeing closing and seeing. That is, seeing through the eyes, closing the eyes and then seeing through the inner eye. Repeat this process only five times in one session during the first week. Gradually develop it up to ten and then upon fifteen times, which should remain as a limit.
When the practice is over, keep sitting still. Now loosen the body and sit in a relaxed way for two minutes.
Caution: The total time devoted to this practice of concentration should not exceed more than ten to fifteen minutes.
Testing concentration:
While practicing, when you do not see anything through the inner eye, you have not gained concentration. While practicing, when you see some other objects through your inner eye but not the one placed before your outer eyes, you are improving but still have not gained concentration. But while practicing, when you see the shape, for up to 5 seconds you have gained concentration. When you can hold the same shape of image for up to 10 seconds, you have gained concentration, your mental sickness or disorders are gone and you are fully restored to normal life.
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