Wednesday, June 30
Yoga - Tips For Losing Weight Before Summer
There are different people with different needs in terms of calories weight loss; there may be different reasons for the weight gain. These camps help in bringing the best summer weight loss tips for you.
The following lines will help you understand the best summer weight loss tips, so that you can use them and experience the change for yourself.
* The one thing that should be considered as the most important for many is importance of being active. A lot of people tend to gain weight because they don't have much to do and in their laziness or boredom and lack of activity, you tend to gain those extra pounds. If you don't have much to do, then hunt down for things that help you to be active for the standard number of hours in a day.
* The next thing is to eat right and in the required amount. If you eat right and in the right amounts then you tend to see the changes in yourself. There are a few people who have this impression that by skipping meals and starving they lose weight. The choice remains yours, if you are willing to starve then you should be sure that it does not get overboard. If you starve too much then there are chances that you fall sick. So be sure of the option you choose.
* Exercise helps one lose weight. Be in the form of gym or yoga, can help you.
* One of the many summer weight loss tips that you should remember is to eat healthy and what you like. If you eat what you like under the healthy food category, you tend to please your taste buds and also lose weight at the same time.
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Monday, May 31
Yoga - Avoid the Pitfalls of Aging With Better Posture
Computer Age Hazard
Many of us spend hours at a desk in front of a computer. Over time it is likely that we will develop a hunched back, or hyperkyphosis. Hip, leg, wrist, shoulder, and arm fractures are potential risks for someone with hyperkyphosis. The more the back is hunched, the greater the risk. Interestingly, the risk is independent of bone mass density, which suggests that hyperkyphosis posture is a separate risk factor for experiencing issues equal to osteoporosis.
Because hyperkyphosis was originally thought to have been caused by osteoporosis, this condition has been largely ignored until now. About 20-40% of the elderly are thought to be afflicted with hyperkyphosis, a slightly lower figure than for osteoporosis. Thirty to 50% of women and 15-30% of men will suffer from an osteoporosis-related fracture during their lives.
Your day-to-day habits have the greatest impact on developing better posture. You can get significant results by staying aware of your posture throughout the day. It takes time and patience when correcting posture. You have to build new muscle mass to hold you upright and reshape tissues that are accustomed to the wrong shape.
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Friday, April 30
Yoga - Naturally Increase Your Height by Doing Yoga
Are you the shortest person in your circle of friends and in your work place? Are you determined to look for a solution to your height problems? If you go to your doctor, you might get advised to go in for hormone injections, but this option is expensive and also has many side effects. It makes far more sense for you to opt for ways to naturally increase your height.
You will be surprised to learn that there are lots of techniques that you could use in order to naturally increase your height. Yoga is one of them and it has been gaining prominence over the past few years because of its ability to help rectify many issues that affect people's bodies and minds.
Yoga is an ancient system of exercises that involve a lot of stretching and breathing control techniques. It can sometimes be likened to meditation. There are lots of 'asanas' or positions in Yoga that are excellent ways to stretch out your back bone and gain a better posture.
One asana that you should certainly try out is the Chakrasana or the wheel pose. Another very effective position is the Tadasana. Sukhasana and Trikonasana are also very powerful exercises and they can naturally increase your height by giving strength to your vertebral column.
Yoga is a very specialized set of exercises and you do need help to get started. What would be best would be for you to join a Yoga class in order to get the hang of it. You could as your Yoga teacher to help you with these asanas that naturally increase your height in addition to any others that have the same effect.
The breathing exercises in Yoga also help to reduce your stress levels and focus your mind. It is believed that you have greater control over your body when you have control over your mind. Studies show that people who truly believe that they can grow taller actually do so if they take the right steps. On the other hand, people who exercise without really believing that they can succeed are bound to fail.
In case you wish to discontinue the classes once you have gained some proficiency in Yoga, you could buy videos on this subject, so that you can do the exercises at home. Once you have started this program you should stick with it and you will be rewarded with increased height and you will also lose weight in the process.
Article Source : Ezine ArticlesSaturday, February 27
Yoga - Tips For Making Yoga Poses More Effective
Breathe deeply and fully. Take complete breaths while you hold a pose to help you stretch deeper, remain focused and unlock any emotions that are locked inside your physical body. Inhale from the belly to the chest and exhale in reverse. Breathe in and out of the nose with the lips gently closed. Use ujjaii breathing which is an audible breath that will help you hold a pose longer and keep your mind present.
Relax into the stretch until you reach your edge. For example, if you are performing a leg stretch, focus on relaxing into it instead of struggling to reach further. As you relax into it you will come to a point of slight discomfort which is referred to as your edge. Stay at this point and focus on relaxing andbreathing. When the edge no longer feels uncomfortable then you can go deeper into the pose.
Accept yourself and let go of your ego. Try not to compare yourself to others who may seem more flexible or stronger than you are. Allow yourself to be perfect just as you are. Stay present by letting go of judgment, anticipation or fear. The best thing you can do while practicing yoga is to let go of the past and the future and just be content where you are right now.
Article Source : Ezine Articles