As we all know that stress is the root cause of all the diseases and acne is also the culprit of the same. Acne is an abnormal skin condition where the pores of the skin get blocked mainly with the oil, dirt and bacteria. Normally those people who eat a lot of oily food suffer from the problem of acne. Acne is the result of poor digestion.Acne mainly shows on face and chest area.
Now the question arises how to get rid of acne? The answer is -Yoga.
Can yoga cure acne? The answer is no.
But yoga can help to solve this very problem. Yoga is an ancient art that has been recommended for its numerous advantages. It is very relaxing form of exercise.Yoga helps the people to harmonize the working of mind and body.
This holistic treatment is used for the betterment of one's life. Yoga is renowned for the treatment of acne. Yoga increase the blood flow all over the body and face. When blood is flowing continuously, it replaces old blood cells with new ones. This ancient practice helps in cleansing the body and treats acne.
Yoga helps in the removal of toxins from the body and provide nutrients to the skin which improves the skin texture. Certain postures like the salambha,sarvangasna and uttanasna,which ensure that you can reduce acne at great extent.
Yoga has been proved as weapon for acne.But there numerous home remedies that works also for acne :-
*Wash your face many times in a day .
*Make a paste of ripened papaya with water. Massage this paste on your face .When the paste will begin to dry, wash it up with clean water.
*Ground orange peel with water to make a paste and applied to the acne .Your face will be free from acne again.
*Take some green leaves of Tulsi. Make a paste of it with water and apply it on acne affected area.Stay it for 5 minutes and wash it with clean water.
*Another cool thing which can not be out of beauty regime i.e.cucumber.Apply it as a mask and leave it for 30 minutes.
Apart from all this change of lifestyle also matters. Don't take too much oil in your food. Avoid junk food. Increase your water intake and drink at least two litres per day. This should keep the skin hydrated. Take lots of fruits and veggies in your diet.
So the daily practice of yoga will give you fruitful results to get rid of Acne.