Our technology has become so advance and it has given so many benefits and managed our time,but on the other hand it brought us various diseases and pain. Few years back,we did our household task with our hands,but today electric mop,dish washer,chapatti maker and so many machines are available in the market. Things are very easy,on the other hand its worst affects are in front of us. Now we can not live without cars,remote controls and elevators. To get the maximum out of it and be healthy all our lives,one must change its lifestyle. We must do those exercises designed to improve maintain the body glandular function to attain a good health
In ancient times,Yogis used the breathing techniques to relax the mind and body. As per yogis breathing is the source of life in the body.Breathing is essential and one of the three structures in yogas. As we know that a properly aligned body is much easier and comfortable to live in stress is largest contributing factor to almost all the diseases like cardiovascular diseases, depression,diabetes.and hyper tension. Yoga strengthen muscles ,increase flexibility and help you sleep better. Yoga is a technique to balance the system of your body. It is an oldest practice of self development. This ancient practice need nothing,but commitment to yourself. Yoga poses help to loosen the tight muscle in your body.
There are various kinds of yoga, most revolve around the same principal. Inhaling and exhaling techniques soothes the mind, relax the body and release it from all the stresses and tension. Deep breathing techniques brings more oxygen to the body and nourish the cells. If you are lacking the nutrients,you will function better and feel more energized. Yogas effects are not instantly,but gradually. Give 15 to 30 minutes to yourself in the morning for this ancient sport. Be committed to yourself in the morning. As you learn to focus on breathe and see all that is positive about your life.