Tuesday, December 31

Yoga for Pain

Is Yoga really a cure for pain? What kind of Yoga teacher should you visit for pain management? What style of Yoga would be best, if you are constantly feeling pain? In which cases would Yoga not be advisable for students in severe pain? Let's look at some pain management solutions that Yoga has to offer.

Is Yoga really a cure for pain? Many Yoga students swear by the results they have received from regularly attending Yoga classes, two or three times per week. In truth, Yoga has its limits - just like any diet. Can you imagine if you were going to diet wisely once a week? You can imagine the results.

Therefore, the real dilemma, with Yoga practice, is getting a student to practice on a regular basis. Also, Yoga, much like any prescription drug, cannot promise to be a "cure-all" for every ailment. Yoga can promise to be a diversion from pain and help students to manage it better, with no adverse side effects.
The lifestyle changes that occur after regularly practicing Yoga, will cause Yoga students to evaluate everything they do, and everything they eat. Yoga is not just another exercise program or some fad that just came along within the least decade. According to some archaeological findings, Yoga has been in existence for over 5000 years. Show me an exercise fad with those credentials!

What kind of Yoga teacher should you visit for pain management? The Yoga teacher you select, for pain management, should be knowledgeable in the use of props. The prospective Yoga teacher should understand that each posture can be modified for the needs of the specific student. In other words, if you detect a "it's my way or the highway" attitude, get as far away from that Yoga teacher as you can.
The most important component in a Yoga teacher's personality, who helps students with ailments, is compassion. If you don't see, feel, or hear any compassion, this is the wrong match for your needs. Yoga can be customized for the specific needs of students. The Yoga teacher, who has not yet felt any pain, is going to have less empathy for students who are in pain. So, an "elite" Yoga teacher, who can perform every asana imaginable, and has the body of a competing Olympic gymnast, may not exactly understand your pain.
What style of Yoga would be best, if you are constantly feeling pain? There are a number of styles to consider that can be easily customized for your specific needs. Here are a few to consider: Restorative Yoga, Therapeutic Yoga, Iyengar Yoga, Yoga Therapy, and Tri-Yoga. Please keep in mind that these styles will vary according to the Yoga teacher's interpretation of the style's principles.

In which cases would Yoga not be advisable for students in severe pain? Sometimes, physicians do not recommend Yoga in cases of severe pain, such as in the case of extremely severe arthritis. The reasoning is that any movement will cause a great deal of pain in the joints. If your physician tells you not to practice a gentle form of Yoga, you should at least ask why. If you are not satisfied with the answer, you should seek a second opinion.

If you are feeling pain, and want to take positive action, you should consult your physician, and if agreed by your physician, explore your options with a local Yoga teacher, who teaches a gentle style and has a history of helping Yoga students with ailments.

Sunday, December 30

Yoga A Stressbuster

Our technology has become so advance and it has given so many benefits and managed our time,but on the other hand it brought us various diseases and pain. Few years back,we did our household task with our hands,but today electric mop,dish washer,chapatti maker and so many machines are available in the market. Things are very easy,on the other hand its worst affects are in front of us. Now we can not live without cars,remote controls and elevators. To get the maximum out of it and be healthy all our lives,one must change its lifestyle. We must do those exercises designed to improve maintain the body glandular function to attain a good health

In ancient times,Yogis used the breathing techniques to relax the mind and body. As per yogis breathing is the source of life in the body.Breathing is essential and one of the three structures in yogas. As we know that a properly aligned body is much easier and comfortable to live in stress is largest contributing factor to almost all the diseases like cardiovascular diseases, depression,diabetes.and hyper tension. Yoga strengthen muscles ,increase flexibility and help you sleep better. Yoga is a technique to balance the system of your body. It is an  oldest practice of self development. This ancient practice need nothing,but commitment to yourself. Yoga poses help to loosen the tight muscle in your body.

There are various kinds of yoga, most revolve around the same principal. Inhaling and exhaling techniques soothes the mind, relax the body and release it from all the stresses and tension. Deep breathing techniques brings more oxygen to the body and nourish the cells. If you are lacking the nutrients,you will function better and feel more energized. Yogas effects are not instantly,but gradually. Give 15 to 30 minutes to yourself in the morning for this ancient sport. Be committed to yourself in the morning. As you learn to focus on breathe and see all that is positive about your life.

Monday, November 26

Yoga - How to cure Acne ?

As we all know that stress is the root cause of all the diseases and acne is also the culprit of the same. Acne is an abnormal skin condition where the pores of the skin get blocked mainly with the oil, dirt and bacteria. Normally those people who eat a lot of oily food suffer from the problem of acne. Acne is the result of poor digestion.Acne mainly shows on face and chest area.

 Now the question arises how to get rid of acne? The answer is -Yoga.

Can yoga cure acne? The answer is no.

But yoga can help to solve this very problem. Yoga is an ancient art that has been recommended for its numerous advantages. It is very relaxing form of exercise.Yoga helps the people to harmonize the working of mind and body.

This holistic treatment is used for the betterment of one's life. Yoga is renowned for the treatment of acne. Yoga increase the blood flow all over the body and face. When blood is flowing continuously, it replaces old blood cells with new ones. This ancient practice helps in cleansing the body and treats acne.

Yoga helps in the removal of toxins from the body and provide nutrients to the skin which improves the skin texture. Certain postures like  the salambha,sarvangasna and uttanasna,which ensure that you can reduce acne at great extent.

Yoga has been proved as weapon for acne.But there numerous home remedies that works also for acne :-
*Wash your face many times in a day .
*Make a paste of ripened papaya with water. Massage this paste on your face .When the paste will begin to dry, wash it up with clean water.
*Ground orange peel with water to make a paste and applied to the acne .Your face will be free from acne again.
*Take some green leaves of Tulsi. Make a paste of it with water and apply it on acne affected area.Stay it for 5 minutes and wash it with clean water.
*Another cool thing which can not be out of beauty regime i.e.cucumber.Apply it as a mask and leave it for 30 minutes.

Apart from all this change of lifestyle also matters. Don't take too much oil in your food. Avoid junk food. Increase your water intake and drink at least two litres per day. This should keep the skin hydrated. Take lots of fruits and veggies in your diet.

So the daily practice of yoga will give you fruitful results to get rid of Acne.

Thursday, November 22

Yoga - Stress & Yoga ?

In this modern world our life is full of stress and challenges. To get rid of this tension we must have to do exercise. As we all know that exercise is a part of our life that we have to do  to have a healthy mind and body. Now the question arises what type of exercise we should do ?And the answer is -YOGA.

Yoga is a science that has been practiced for 1000 years. It is one of the most ancient heritage of India. It is a spiritual,traditional and mental discipline, originated in ancient India.So this healing process has been gifted down to us with some purpose and reason. Today yoga has become a powerful weapon to our hectic lifestyle. It relaxes both mind and body. This Sanskrit word "Yoga" has many meanings.The word itself is derived from 'Sanskrit' which means "union of individual". This ancient concept provides all-round benefit to human body. Yoga basically consists of  meditation, postures and pranayama( breathing exercises),all these applied to achieve harmony between mind and body.

Yoga has manifold benefits, Postures strengthen and align the body. It also boost immunity and increase the blood flow to the various organs. Meditation and breathing techniques help to maintain mental discipline, It is that practice that helps works for our inner organs in thorough manner.

Yoga is believed to massage all the organs of the body. With daily practice of this,too much fat is reduced. It increases intake of oxygen, and enhances the functioning of respiratory and digestive system.

Yoga makes the body more flexible and helps you to relax even in the midst of stress stricken atmosphere. The ultimate goal of yoga is to attain self enlightenment. Yoga gives you strength ,confidence and inner psychological peace. Researchers have discovered that regular practice of yoga may produce many health benefits and it changes your life.

Tuesday, November 20

Yoga - Ancient Concept

The origin of yoga is undoubtedly India, where man's activities directed towards higher spiritual achievements. Yoga is to bring about a man's usual everyday experience and capacity to grasp a vision.It is that practice that our whole personality transformed and can function in a new dimension.Yoga is a purely spiritual practice that originated India, where it remains vibrant living tradition and is seen as a means of enlightenment .
Yoga is said to be as old as civilization,there is no physical evidence to support this claim.The earliest signs of yoga appear in ancient Shaman ism.Evidence of yoga postures were found on artifacts that date back to 3000 B.C. The primary goal of Shaman ism was to heal members of community and act as religious mediators.Some people believe that it is originated 26000 years ago, during the period of "Sat Yuga" also called  the Golden age. Yoga came into India with the discovery of Indus-Valley civilization,that knowledge about the origin of yoga came into light.It was most likely to born in India and was subsequently adopted by Hinduism as well as Buddhism and Jainism.
No one knows exactly when yoga began,but the ultimate goal of yoga is attainment of liberation from worldly sufferings and the cycle of birth and death.It affects not only the conscious but the subconscious as well. It generates good health and contributes to longevity.Yoga provides all round benefit to a human body.This healing practice is gifted to us by ancient saints with some purpose and reason.So this ancient concept has lot to do with the philosophical and the spiritual.

Tuesday, November 6

Yoga - A Stress Reliever

A brand new study indicate that yoga is a promising stress management technique.Life is full of stress-studying late at night for tests,waking up early for school and office, homework and meals.These everyday issues can add stress in our daily routine.There are many different ways to cope with stress.But yoga has become a fitness wave.Yoga encourages the person to release his soul, focus on undisturbed breathing and concentrate on the positivity bottled up within the body.

Yoga is an ancient practice and it has a very simple philosophy bring true clarity to the mind and balance to the body.Practicing yoga builds your ability to calm,focus, balance and relax yourself.Yoga is a method of balancing the systems of your body and using poses ,meditation and deep breathing.It emphasizes a healthy and balanced lifestyle.Living this way will help you to be healthier and active,Yoga helps to build stamina and strength.It helps to relive your stress that you may have build up through the day.

Yoga is known for its stress relieving properties.Yoga put you in better touch with yourself creating a mind body connection.Once you started a steady practice ,your body will actually beg to be nourished.Regular yoga  practice makes your respiration better,enhanced circulation, greater flexibility and physical fitness.All this will contribute to reducing stress.Getting enough sleep is very important .Yoga can help to promote a full, restful night's sleep.

Give yourself a half hour each day to do yoga,After a couple of weeks  you should start noticing a subtle change.As you will learn to breathe ,focus and all is positive about your life.

Saturday, August 28

Yoga - A Introduction

What is yoga ?
'Yoga' word is derived from Sanskrit language, which means "union " .It means unity and integration of all parts of the self-body mind and spirit through physical postures, breathing techniques and mental focus.The main goals of yoga lifestyle is training your mind, body and breathe ,as well as connecting with your spirituality..The ancient art of yoga says that an empty mind is God's workshop .
Medical Science has made tremendous progress in this very art.Some people believe that it is a religion .But Yoga is a philosophy that began in India 5000 years ago and was systematized by Patanjali Maharishi,the Father of Yoga.Yogic exercises based on the principles of Maharishi Patanjali enable the practitioner to blend body and mind into perfect disciplined.
Yoga has many styles, forms and intensities.Yoga can be an enjoyable supplement to your regular fitness routine.
 It makes the body more flexible and helps you relax even in your stress stricken life.This is one of the foremost reasons people want to start practicing yoga-To become fitter, be happier and be more energetic. 

Benefits of yoga
Yoga has tons of benefits .It can improve flexibility, strength,balance and stamina.

Reduces stress
Many people who practice yoga say that it reduces anxiety and stress, improves mental clarity and even helps them sleep better.

Fitness : Yoga might help with a variety of health conditions, such as cancer,depression ,pain ,anxiety ,sleep problems,fatigue and mood.

Weight loss:
Yoga is beneficial for the binge eaters.Yoga may help you make the healthy lifestyle changes necessary to gain control of your eating drop those extra pounds.

Wednesday, June 30

Yoga - Tips For Losing Weight Before Summer

Those extra pounds might come across as something that might make you worry too much. Especially when you know you are hitting the summers, the worry gets even bigger. This worry needs to be looked into as soon as possible. As you would want to be in shape before you get yourself in the summer wear. The best part about summers for people who stay near the bay or who have a thing for water is the swim wear. When it comes to women, it becomes very important that you are in proper shape to get into the swim wear. There are quite a few available options, like summer weight loss camps. The best part of summer weight loss camps is that it includes experts in the field of calories weight loss. These experts are well versed in the field of calories weight loss programs and are bound to help you out with the best advice. The thing about the summer weight loss camps is that you are bound to see yourself seeking in the best options, something that is not random, and something that suits you well.

There are different people with different needs in terms of calories weight loss; there may be different reasons for the weight gain. These camps help in bringing the best summer weight loss tips for you.

The following lines will help you understand the best summer weight loss tips, so that you can use them and experience the change for yourself.

* The one thing that should be considered as the most important for many is importance of being active. A lot of people tend to gain weight because they don't have much to do and in their laziness or boredom and lack of activity, you tend to gain those extra pounds. If you don't have much to do, then hunt down for things that help you to be active for the standard number of hours in a day.

* The next thing is to eat right and in the required amount. If you eat right and in the right amounts then you tend to see the changes in yourself. There are a few people who have this impression that by skipping meals and starving they lose weight. The choice remains yours, if you are willing to starve then you should be sure that it does not get overboard. If you starve too much then there are chances that you fall sick. So be sure of the option you choose.

* Exercise helps one lose weight. Be in the form of gym or yoga, can help you.

* One of the many summer weight loss tips that you should remember is to eat healthy and what you like. If you eat what you like under the healthy food category, you tend to please your taste buds and also lose weight at the same time.

Article Source: EzineArticles.com

Monday, May 31

Yoga - Avoid the Pitfalls of Aging With Better Posture

By the time you have reached your mid-fifties, you may discover something peculiar - you have shrunk. It may not be much - a half inch or possibly more. This may not be such a big deal now, but by the time you reach your 70's, you'll likely to have lost 2-3 inches in height - most likely due to poor posture.

Computer Age Hazard

Many of us spend hours at a desk in front of a computer. Over time it is likely that we will develop a hunched back, or hyperkyphosis. Hip, leg, wrist, shoulder, and arm fractures are potential risks for someone with hyperkyphosis. The more the back is hunched, the greater the risk. Interestingly, the risk is independent of bone mass density, which suggests that hyperkyphosis posture is a separate risk factor for experiencing issues equal to osteoporosis.

Because hyperkyphosis was originally thought to have been caused by osteoporosis, this condition has been largely ignored until now. About 20-40% of the elderly are thought to be afflicted with hyperkyphosis, a slightly lower figure than for osteoporosis. Thirty to 50% of women and 15-30% of men will suffer from an osteoporosis-related fracture during their lives.

Your day-to-day habits have the greatest impact on developing better posture. You can get significant results by staying aware of your posture throughout the day. It takes time and patience when correcting posture. You have to build new muscle mass to hold you upright and reshape tissues that are accustomed to the wrong shape.

Article Source: EzineArticles.com

Friday, April 30

Yoga - Naturally Increase Your Height by Doing Yoga

Are you the shortest person in your circle of friends and in your work place? Are you determined to look for a solution to your height problems? If you go to your doctor, you might get advised to go in for hormone injections, but this option is expensive and also has many side effects. It makes far more sense for you to opt for ways to naturally increase your height.

You will be surprised to learn that there are lots of techniques that you could use in order to naturally increase your height. Yoga is one of them and it has been gaining prominence over the past few years because of its ability to help rectify many issues that affect people's bodies and minds.

Yoga is an ancient system of exercises that involve a lot of stretching and breathing control techniques. It can sometimes be likened to meditation. There are lots of 'asanas' or positions in Yoga that are excellent ways to stretch out your back bone and gain a better posture.

One asana that you should certainly try out is the Chakrasana or the wheel pose. Another very effective position is the Tadasana. Sukhasana and Trikonasana are also very powerful exercises and they can naturally increase your height by giving strength to your vertebral column.

Yoga is a very specialized set of exercises and you do need help to get started. What would be best would be for you to join a Yoga class in order to get the hang of it. You could as your Yoga teacher to help you with these asanas that naturally increase your height in addition to any others that have the same effect.

The breathing exercises in Yoga also help to reduce your stress levels and focus your mind. It is believed that you have greater control over your body when you have control over your mind. Studies show that people who truly believe that they can grow taller actually do so if they take the right steps. On the other hand, people who exercise without really believing that they can succeed are bound to fail.

In case you wish to discontinue the classes once you have gained some proficiency in Yoga, you could buy videos on this subject, so that you can do the exercises at home. Once you have started this program you should stick with it and you will be rewarded with increased height and you will also lose weight in the process.

Article Source : Ezine Articles

Saturday, February 27

Yoga - Tips For Making Yoga Poses More Effective

Yoga is a mind-body discipline that can change you physically, mentally and spiritually. When practiced correctly it has the ability to heal and transform, and a regular routine of doing yoga often changes lives. Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your yoga practice.

Breathe deeply and fully. Take complete breaths while you hold a pose to help you stretch deeper, remain focused and unlock any emotions that are locked inside your physical body. Inhale from the belly to the chest and exhale in reverse. Breathe in and out of the nose with the lips gently closed. Use ujjaii breathing which is an audible breath that will help you hold a pose longer and keep your mind present.

Relax into the stretch until you reach your edge. For example, if you are performing a leg stretch, focus on relaxing into it instead of struggling to reach further. As you relax into it you will come to a point of slight discomfort which is referred to as your edge. Stay at this point and focus on relaxing andbreathing. When the edge no longer feels uncomfortable then you can go deeper into the pose.

Accept yourself and let go of your ego. Try not to compare yourself to others who may seem more flexible or stronger than you are. Allow yourself to be perfect just as you are. Stay present by letting go of judgment, anticipation or fear. The best thing you can do while practicing yoga is to let go of the past and the future and just be content where you are right now.

Article Source : Ezine Articles

Saturday, January 16

Yoga - How to Control Diabetes Through Yoga ?

Diabetes is a disorder that is normally caused by the incapability of the body to control the quantity of sugar in the blood. An individual who suffer from diabetes is not capable to use blood glucose due to inadequate amounts of insulin produced by the pancreas in the body. In simple terms, it can be defined as a problem of the metabolism that can damage the nerves, kidneys, and eyes. It can even cause gangrene, stroke, and heart disease.

In last few years different diabetic treatment methods have been used to control diabetes. While many nutritionists suggested for different techniques for dieting, many doctors also recommended for regular exercise to control sugar level. However, recent studies have shown that yoga too can produce major health benefits for diabetics. Yoga has shown some beneficial results in controlling diabetes. Not long ago, many people were familiar with yoga as a succession of movements or poses. But, today it has emerged as one of the most convenient options to control diabetes.

Yoga as Diabetes Treatment Method

The yoga exercises that are prescribed for curing diabetes are different from hatha yoga exercise. It usually involves positions tailored to treat certain conditions, as well as meditation and relaxation. Yoga can stimulate the pancreas and stimulate insulin production. Regular practice of yoga actually reduces the blood sugar levels, the blood pressure, and the rate of progression to the complications. While most diabetics need to lose or at least maintain a certain weight limit, yoga is an excellent choice to accomplish these twin goals. The symptoms are also reduced to a large extent, and so is the number of diabetes related hospital admissions. Apart from this, some studies have also shown that certain yoga poses have the effect of massaging or stretching certain internal organs which actually led to the increased insulin production.

How Yoga works?

Generally glucagons secretion is enhanced by stress. Now when we perform yoga, it effectively reduces adrenaline, noradrenalin in blood, which is termed as 'stress hormones' and this in turn helps in reducing glucagons and possibly improving insulin action. In addition to this, recent studies have also shown that blood pressure also plays a vital role in the development of diabetic and related complications, which is proven to be benefited by yoga. When we perform yoga, it helps in muscular relaxation and improves blood supply to muscles which further increase insulin receptor expression on muscles causing increased glucose uptake by muscles and thus reducing blood sugar.

Article Source: EzineArticles.com